Health Appropriate Statin Prescriptions Increase Sixfold With Automated Referrals Josh Jordan Jan 13, 2024 The odds of prescribing the appropriate dose of statins -- a medicine used to lower "bad" cholesterol levels --!-->…
Business How Tiny Hinges Bend the Infection-Spreading Spikes of a Coronavirus Graeme Cantrell Dec 9, 2023 A coronavirus uses protein "spikes" to grab and infect cells. Despite their name, those spikes aren't stiff and!-->…
Earth Ground-Breaking Discovery Could Pave the Way for New Therapies to Prevent… Graeme Cantrell Nov 25, 2023 Researchers at the University of Leicester have discovered the mechanism by which cholesterol in our diet is!-->…
Earth Cut Salt, Cut Blood Pressure Graeme Cantrell Nov 23, 2023 Nearly everyone can lower their blood pressure, even people currently on blood pressure-reducing drugs, by!-->…
Defence Scientists Unveil Detailed Cell Maps of the Human Brain and the Nonhuman Primate… Donovan Griffin Nov 10, 2023 A group of international scientists have mapped the genetic, cellular, and structural makeup of the human brain!-->…
Defence Ketamine’s Effect on Depression May Hinge on Hope Graeme Cantrell Nov 5, 2023 In an unusual trial, Stanford Medicine researchers found that a patient's belief that they had received ketamine,!-->…
Business Hospital Superbugs: Could One Vaccine Rule Them All? James Knight Nov 5, 2023 What if a vaccine, given to patients just before or after arriving at the hospital, could protect them against!-->…
Earth COVID Infection Risk Rises the Longer You Are Exposed — Even for Vaccinated People Graeme Cantrell Oct 8, 2023 Prolonged exposure in close proximity to someone with COVID-19 puts people at high risk of catching the disease,!-->…
Asia Strike at Outbreak-Alert Service ProMED to End — But Tensions Remain Graeme Cantrell Oct 5, 2023 A month-long strike at ProMED — a disease-surveillance system that issued some of the earliest warnings!-->…
Business How Our Cellular “Antennas” Affect Aging Donovan Griffin Sep 25, 2023 Nearly every cell in our body has hair-like structures on their surfaces known as cilia. These tiny, thread-like!-->…