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Can You Change A Chicken Into A Frog, A Fish Or A Chameleon?
Gastrulation is one of the most important phases in early embryonic development. Before gastrulation, vertebrate!-->…
Was ‘Witchcraft’ in the Devil’s Church in Koli Based on Acoustic Resonance? The…
The national park of Koli in eastern Finland is home to a famous, 34-metre-long crevice cave known!-->…
Cognitive Strategies For Augmenting The Body With A Wearable, Robotic Arm
Neuroengineer Silvestro Micera develops advanced technological solutions to help people regain sensory and motor!-->…
What Happens in the Brain While Daydreaming?
You are sitting quietly, and suddenly your brain tunes out the world and wanders to something else entirely --!-->…
Enzymes Can’t Tell Artificial DNA From the Real Thing
The genetic alphabet contains just four letters, referring to the four nucleotides, the biochemical building!-->…
Researchers, Coast Salish People Analyze 160-Year-Old Indigenous Dog Pelt in the…
Researchers from the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History led a new analysis that sheds light on the!-->…
Challenging Prehistoric Gender Roles: Research Finds That Women Were Hunters, Too
It's a familiar story to many of us: In prehistoric times, men were hunters and women were gatherers. Women were!-->…
Mummified Mice Discovered Atop Sky-High Andean Volcanoes
They were the summits of 20,000-foot volcanoes. Amid the driest desert on Earth. Where temperatures never breached!-->…
Dingoes Given ‘Almost-Human’ Status in Pre-colonial Australia
It's said that a dog is a man's best friend, but the wild dingo is much maligned in Australia. This may not always!-->…
Analysis of Grinding Tools Reveals Plant, Pigment and Bone Processing in Neolithic…
In recent years, studies have revealed that the now-arid region of northern Arabia was once much wetter and!-->…