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Artificial Intelligence
Scientists Measure The Distance To Stars By Their Music
For most of us, the countless bright spots in the nighttime sky all seem to be stars. But in fact, some of those!-->…
Drugs Already Licensed Could Be Trialled to Potentially Treat Secondary Brain…
The largest review of papers for brain cancer that has spread from the lungs has found abnormalities in the brain!-->…
Breastfeeding Alters Infant Gut In Ways That Boost Brain Development, May Improve…
Breastfeeding, even partially alongside formula feeding, changes the chemical makeup -- or metabolome -- of an!-->…
Can You Change A Chicken Into A Frog, A Fish Or A Chameleon?
Gastrulation is one of the most important phases in early embryonic development. Before gastrulation, vertebrate!-->…
Researchers Identify Cell Signaling Pathway Controlling Melanoma Cell Metastasis…
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer because of its ability to quickly grow and spread throughout the!-->…
Unexpected Chemistry Reveals Cosmic Star Factories´ Secrets
Two galaxies in the early universe, which contain extremely productive star factories, have been studied by a team!-->…
Cognitive Strategies For Augmenting The Body With A Wearable, Robotic Arm
Neuroengineer Silvestro Micera develops advanced technological solutions to help people regain sensory and motor!-->…
Unknown Animals Were Leaving Bird-like Footprints in Late Triassic Southern Africa
Ancient animals were walking around on bird-like feet over 210 million years ago, according to a study published!-->…
Reaching for the (Invisible) Stars
Supernovae-stellar explosions as bright as an entire galaxy-have fascinated us since time immemorial. Yet, there!-->…
People Watched Other People Shake Boxes for Science: Here’s Why
When researchers asked hundreds of people to watch other people shake boxes, it took just seconds for almost all!-->…